Saturday, December 6, 2014

10 great tips on how to fall asleep fast

10 great tips on how to fall asleep fast?









Darken your bedroom!
Your bedroom should be as dark as possible during the night and during the first morning hours. Scientific research has demonstrated that night time light exposure suppresses the production of melatonin, the major hormone secreted by the pineal gland that controls sleep and wake cycles. Therefore, the reduction in melatonin at night increases the chances of sleeplessness.

Make sure you’ll get at least 30min of any kind of cardio activity each day. Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. Just don't exercise too close to bedtime, or you may be too energized to fall asleep.

Drink bedtime beverages!
There are many types of bedtime beverages that can help you to relax and prepare for good night’s sleep. Two simple examples are:
- Nighty Night Tea (Traditional Medicinals)
- Hot milk !
Both have ability to calm and soothe your nervous system and help relieve occasional sleeplessness.

Get warm bath (or shower)!
When you soak in a hot tub, your temperature rises-and afterwards the rapid cool-down period immediately relaxes you. If you raise your temperature a degree or two with a bath (or hot shower), the steeper drop at bedtime is more likely to put you in a deep sleep.

Stop overthinking stuff!
Having an active and creative imagination is a great gift. At night, though, it's not always so great, especially if it's keeping you awake. If you have something important on your mind, just write it down! Occupy your mind with something different like, counting sheep, meditation or just read a boring book. You will see that in the morning everything will seem much simpler and
less complicated.

Avoid all computer screens!
All LCD-screens including your laptop, phone or tv have big impact on your brain activity. Try to calm your brain down for at least 30min before you will go to bed, let your body and your eyes know that it's time to go to sleep!

Avoid your bedroom!
Avoid your bedroom during the whole day. Do not use it for other purposes than sleep or romantic activities. The goal is to associate the bedroom with sleep. Go to your bedroom only when you're tired and ready for sleep.

Lower the room temperature!
Lower the room temperature in your bedroom. The optimal sleep temperature is around 72°F/22°C. When you go to sleep, your set point for body temperature, (the temperature your brain is trying to achieve), goes down. If it’s too hot, the body struggles to achieve this set point. Aslo,make sure your bedroom is well ventilated during the day.

Avoid napping during the day!
Napping during late afternoons can aggravate daytime sleepiness. Also, it tends to interfere with nighttime sleep.It is better to maintain consistent a sleeping time, especially for people who feel sleepy during the day. By doing so, you are setting your body's biological clock straight, leaving out all irregularities.

Regulate your sleep behavior!
Your body’s natural daily rhythms are regulated by structures in the brain. These body clocks help determine when you fall asleep and wake up. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day (including weekends). This will keep your internal body clock running on right schedule.

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